Setup failed to install SMS Provider (Setup cannot compile MOF file \bin\i386\NetDisc.mof)

I had uninstalled the SCCM 2007 secondary site & again was trying to install it on the same hardware without formatting the OS. In the setup installation, while installing the SMS provider component it gave the error  'Setup failed to install SMS provider'
When I checked it in ConfigMgrSetup.log

CompileMOFFile:Failed to compile MOF E:\SMS\bin\i386\NetDisc.mof, error -2147217407
Setup cannot compile MOF file E:\SMS\bin\i386\NetDisc.mof. Do you want to continue?
Setup failed to install SMS Provider. For more information about this error, see Microsoft Knowledge Base at or contact Microsoft Technical Support for further assistance.
This type of error can also occur when the namespace 'NetworkModel' is not removed from WMI, while uninstallation of SCCM, on the same machine and then an SCCM 2007 RTM install is attempted. In my case  I had uninstalled the secondary site from the same hardware machine & was trying to install SCCM 2007 RTM.
Following are the steps to remove the "NetworkModel" namespace from WMI
1) Go to cmd prompt & type wbemtest
2) Connect to the "root" namespace.
3) Click on the "Enum Classes" , select "Recursive" radio button and click  "OK".
4) In the Query Result window, locate and double click on the "__NAMESPACE (__SystemClass)" class
5) In the "Object editor for __NAMESPACE" window, Click the "Instances" button.
6) In the Query Results window, locate and delete the "NetworkModel" instance.
7) Close all  the open wbemtest windows.

I again tried to reinstall the secondary site & it got successful.


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